Edelbrock advice.

This is a copy of a post I put on Mc.Net, I thought I’d post it here too, since a lot of the experts aren’t on McNet much any more.

I’ve been looking online for this information but can find nothing !!

I need any of you who may have stripped an Edelbrock !!

Carb is an Edelbrock 1406 like this.

As some of you may know, I did some work on my engine last year before I moved to Norway.
Since I’ve done it, I’ve never been able to get it running properly and this notion has been bugging me as a possible cause ! :cyclops:

I’m 1000 miles away from my car, so I can’t check anything until I can get home in spring.

Basically, I had the carb off the car, I had it upside down while I cleaned some stuck bits of old gasket from the base.

When I picked it up, lying on the ground was what can only be described as a “pin”.
Now, I have absolutely no idea whether said “pin” fell out of the carb, or was already on the ground and had gone unnoticed. :confused:

It was roughly 2-2.5 inches long, and about the thickness of a sewing needle.
The car does run ok, although the last time I drove it I felt it was down on power and it was running a little hot, think it might be a bit rich.
IDK if this “pin” is a non critical part which is causing me trouble or not
(I say "non-critical because it’s running, I’m guessing if it was critical it wouldn’t go)

So, there it is guys.
Has anyone stripped an Edelbrock and can tell me if there is indeed a pin in there somewhere fitting the description ?

Either that or put my mind at ease and tell me there’s no such thing !!

Thanks in advance, :beerchug:


I’m no Edelbrock carb expert, but without a picture I’m guessing one of the meter rods fell out. Yes it would still run with the rod missing, but would be rich just off idle. The tapered end of the pin metters fuel off idle from the main jet until it is fully open.

It’s definitely not a metering rod.

I just can’t think where else it may have come from. I’m wondering if at some point it’s fallen into the carb and got wedged, then fallen out when I took it off.

I’m willing to listen to all suggestions tho. Keep 'em coming. :smoke:

if you look on their website you can get a pdf of their owners manual and at least for mine it does a break down/ explosion diagram.
or email them and see if they can scan you a diagram

So, what happened?

Nothing’s really happened, I’m still 1000 miles away from my car !!

That said, through a combination of here and MCNet, I’ve looked at the schematics of the carb and there’s nothing in any of those pictures which fits the description of what I found, so I have to presume that it was either a foreign body which had gotten into the carb, or that it was on the ground already and I just hadn’t noticed it.

Thanks for the responses. I’ll update in spring or summer once I’ve actually managed to see the car.