Firewall Insulation

I am seeking ideas on what products to use for the firewall insulation in the gap above the firewall pad I purchased from WCCC. There was dusty remains of some padding up there when I disassembled the dash. Any suggestions on what people are using to cover this gap would be great.

The pad didnt cover all of the firewall mabye 85% of it, the pad you got from WCCC will do a great job.

What year? On my 68 there was a section of insulation on the bottom side of the cowl above the firewall pad. The only place that had that one was NPD and it glues in place.

DynaMat, or equivalent, is what I used. Easily form fitting around nooks and such and pretty much “glues” in place. It’s a sound deadener…

Sorry about that - 1969 XR7. I will take a look at NPD. It seems that I have read people substituting products like Dynamat/liner because nothing is made for 1969 or 1970 cougars.

My 70 has the same additional insulation on the upper cowl above the firewall pad. Been looking for some - do you happen to have the link to it on NPD?

Try AcustiShield from Quite Ride
I put the cowl kit in my 67. It glues to the underside of the cowl above the firewall. Nice fit. Might be the same one NPD sells.

Could always do what the factory did - or at least sort of with a different colored plastic layer, and get a water heater blanket and cut it for your use. Just spray glue and install

How thick can I go?

Appears they actually have a 69-70 version as well. While I was not entirely sure what the factory used since mine was gone before hand I would say this is a very good option for this section of cowl. The precut shape fit very well.

This is the actual manufacture of what NPD sells. Good stuff.

Thanks everyone! I’ll get some on the way.

Thank you for the input. The link shows the following for my 1969:

1969-1970 Cougar

Is this the correct set? It also includes the kick panel insulation. Does the cowl piece cover the entire width of the upper cowl? Or will I need to add some extra chunks?

Mine fit the full width of the cowl between the vent openings. The piece shown in the NPD and Quiet Ride pictures is about 2/3 of the piece I got; what’s not shown is the part that extends all the way to the driver’s side vent opening. The pic shows the curve where it wraps around the vent opening on the passenger side; the other end (not shown) has the same type curve for the other vent opening.

Thank you. Time to order it!

agreed the pics are deceiving but its the entire piece you need.

I installed the Accoustishield insulation from NPD on the upper cowl. Ended up cutting and applying in small chunks across the upper cowl area. I plan on applying Dynamat on the vertical down to the floorpans before installing the WCCC firewall pad. Can you install it first then make cutouts where needed? Will the Dynamat interfere with the various fasteners or make a good cushion for heater plenum and other components attached to the firewall? I have never used Dynamat (much less put a firewall back together) and want to avoid what I imagine would be a mess if I have to remove the adhered Dynamat where fasteners and brackets attach.

I’ve used dynomat for various things and while it goes on easy and does a good job, it’s a nightmare if you ever have to remove it, even with a putty knife. Personally, I would leave the dynomat to the stereo shops.