For those with an I Phone or smart phone that are cheep and refused to pay for tap a talk to view this forum it is now free.
Cool - finally something even I can afford! LOL
That’s awesome…but I’m so cheap, I just got on a plan with NO data! I can text or talk all I want, but no data. Honestly, it’s kind of liberating!
Not to revive an extremely old thread, but I was wondering if this forum is still comparable with Tapatalk, or some other app based interface…? The web based version is tough with a mobile device, and the apps make posting/searching much easier!
We’re no longer using Tapatalk because the Forum software itself is supposed to be mobile-friendly, and it makes it easier to maintain the Forum not to have to keep Tapatalk installed and updated.
I check in here on my phone regularly with no problems. Posting from my LG android phone now
I didn’t mean to insinuate that I was having issues, simply that the apps are much easier to use in all aspects. I frequent 11 different forums, most have an app they work with (Tapatalk, Autoguide, etc.). I understand the complication on the admin end, and I can appreciate the work it must take to keep up with all the updates. On our end, the apps make things much more post and follow friendly.
No worries, I still enjoy the forum…just asking a question, that’s all.
Jay you’ve done well setting up this site. I often visit this site on my iPhone with no issues. To me the site looks exactly the same whether I’m on my Mac, PC or iPhone.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I’m glad it’s working.