funny traffic laws

Hi all,

A compilation of trafic laws. Some are funny … -the-world

Hey Leon,

Why do taxis have to carry a bale of hay in the trunk?

I love #13. While I am positive it is legal in West Virginia as the script says, evidently the author/editor still thinks WV is actually a part of Virginia!! LOL!!!

I’m planning a whale hunting trip to Tennessee.

Good luck with that … :wink:

As to #10… While it’s not actually a traffic law per se; hitting part of a flock of sheep (even one little wooly-booger) that are being moved afoot from field to field in the approved manner (appropriate road signage and flagmen) actually can net you a fine from the Arizona Dept of Agriculture. Fines are asessed based on the number of animals “damaged”.
(The sheep are used to clear alfalfa fields of weeds and grass before re-seeding; because like the stereotype of goats - and unlike most of the 4H/FFA goats I’ve ever been around for any length of time - sheep will eat anything and everything they can see!)

Heh-heh, Dawg said “wooly-booger”…:poke:

#14… In Beijing you can get fined up to 5 yen? Isn’t the a city in China and a currency of Japan? Also, I just checked the conversion rate, and um, 5 yen equals 6.5 cents. $0.065. Hey, I’ll take ten of those fines! I’ll stop all over the place, just watch me!


I just confirmed that #18 is actually true, though the photo they show is in some other language. But the law is real. I just asked my wife, who was born in and grew up in Turkey.

Picture is Singapore

While on a vacation to Cuba, we were informed that we hit a cow while driving we could be heavily fined or jailed. These are sort of wild or free range type cows that could be wandering anywhere like deer!

I’m pretty sure if you hit a cow being fined would have been the least of your worries.