Garage Security

I found this guy after work tonight hanging out in my shop. Fairly docile, I think he may have recently snacked on a mouse that found it’s way in. We don’t see a lot of this in CNY, most of the snakes we see are under 12".

He didn’t appear to be a Cobra Jet, so I shooed him away.

He’s a round eye good to have around for bugs and mice control!

That’s a keeper. I would make sure he is comfortable and always hungry. Mice are the devil when they get in your car. Mice pee is like acid on steroids; it’ll eat everything it touches.

Agree on keeping that guy around. We get rattle snakes and scorpions around here

Mice are the devil, I have a scrap metal rack outside they like to get in and nest in. Keep in mind we don’t have rust problems in AZ, even leaving metal outside uncovered takes a while to even get surface rust! But toss some mice pee in the mix and it will rust at warp speed.

I used to work in a shop near a retirement community, we always had mice damaged vehicles in the shop getting wiring harnesses replaced, worse then that was all the poop you had to get out of it first!

I don’t miss that job!

Nice! Bull snake, or what?

Not sure what kind he is. I would guess a type of garter snake.

This little fellow was on my back patio recently. He’s a keeper, eats all those things we do not want. Scares you a little when you first see them though.