I uploaded a lot of pictures on the other sight. How would i get them so I could use them here? Is there a way to transfer the thread I was keeping also as I was using it as a diary of sort.?
You said a lot of pictures. You can save them to http://www.photobucket.com and then post them here. This way if you wanted to keep a diary of sorts you can always link back to your photobucket account. Hope this helps.
Unfortunately, the only way I know of to “transfer” your thread is to create a new copy here using cut and paste (aka the brute force method ). The best method for the pictures is the photobucket approach, as suggested above. That way, you’re always in control of the pictures.
For photos the best way is using a third party site like photobucket to store photos, but you may also link back to the photos from another site like MC.Net if that is the ‘other’ site you are referencing in your question.
The photo below is linked back to mc.net - right click and view photo to see the linkage in the url address.
Well, I would say that the absolutely best way is to have your own server where you can upload the pictures. That way you will never get problems with sites closing down or getting sold. Photobucket or other similar services are good no cost options
I’ve been using Picasa for a while. I like it a lot and I don’t think Google is going anywhere.