Hope the pictures come through. This was my grandfathers cougar, it is in great shape overall. I recently inherited the car and I plan on leaving it alone, simply maintaining/repairing to original state.
The first thing I would like to address are the tears on the bottom side of the convertible top…
Any resources, recommendations or ideas are greatly appreciated. Thank you for looking…
Mighty fine. What color code is that? My first cougar was that color. Congrats!
That’s a mighty fine Cougar, and looks to be a very original and honest car. Congratulations- you don’t often come across cars this nice.
Medium Gold Metallic is the color.
That’s a nice looking Cougar. I like me your idea of leaving it alone and just maintaining it. Something that looks that stock/period correct is awesome.
Very nice indeed!!
Well, I’m a grampa too and have already told the kids my '69 E is theirs. Hope they’ll appreciate it.
Good going! Mine was my grandfather’s car as well.
I like it a lot!!!
Your GrandPa left you a very nice car that I am sure he has been taken care of and I like your idea to do the same. I think tears can not be fixed and new top may be the only way when it gets too bad. I tried to slow them down on mine with tape of the assorted color and it does, but that is ugly.
Welcome! If you are like me, a convertible top is just to provide shade on hot days, not for rain protection. I say leave it alone for now. Use search words “hustler stick” on this site and you will find the 30 second fix to your front bumper misalignment.
Grandpa had great taste!!
Thank you for the comments/recomendations!!
I’ll take Don’s advice and leave the conv. top be for now.
How about repairing tears in the vinyl seats? The driver seat is pretty crusty, not sure the material can be handless without making it worse!?
Don’t even try stitching tears on the seat… Your best bet is to purchase a PS bucket or rear seat cover from myself or someone here, take it to an upholsterer and have him replace that panel. Putting new repro material in would look like poo. One way to look at an old restored car is like your favorite jeans, a little wear and tear tells a story, they are only original once and their is a lot of freedom in driving a less than perfect car.