GTE Sets Record for Cougar at BJ auction !

A Red 1968 GTE standard cougar just sold at Barret Jackson setting a record for a cougar of $165,000, Thanks to Brian the cars owner who took the big gamble maybe our cats will start getting respect they deserve. NOTE: The 1969 428SCJ Drag Pack Shelby that followed it to the block bid to only $100,000.

I set my DVR and had a chance to see the sale. Maybe it is just me but I am disappointed the way BJ showed the car crossing the stage. I am very happy that the work and love Brian put into Gunner was rewarded with a big hammer price. I just wish those of us that could not make it to the auction could have seen more on tv. I think Brian’s GT-E would have been a good pick for the fantasy bid rather than the Shelby.

After having attended the BJ, NE inaugural auction, I can guarantee one thing: BJ doesn’t give a hoot about anyone. It was so disappointing to see the lack of attention given to some very rare vehicles. Just my HO.


I think the BJ auctions are not a true representative of the value of the average collector car(like mine). But I think they show the value drunk rich guys give to the rare collector cars.
Thw closest I have to a rare collector car I feel is my 1970 XR-7 M-code convertible. But it is certainly not worthy of a Barrett Jackson auction with out a full restoration by the likes of KTL or Cascade Classics. And as I am a retired old fart, it will not get that kind of restoration.


I spent 3 days there and closlely inspected vehicles that piqued my interest. I’m not trying to take away from anyones vehicle, but I stand by my original statement. What I would consider a top shelf restoration did not fare as well as some comparable year/model quickly done (in appearance and quality) flips. Quite frankly, I was baffled. I think color played a role too. For the majority, not much alchhol was involved either. It appeared most buyers were there with a purpose. Just my take.

PS. New Englanders don’t spend like other areas of the country.


Why are we continuing this thread, which started 5+ years ago, when we’re talking about recent history?

Perhaps this is why… just a thought.


That is a good thought and thanks for that. However, when you see the thread title it makes you think there is something “new” to be added, which there obviously isn’t. So … I’m just saying that continuing this ancient history thread is a crutch that some use.