Happy 13th birthday to Classic Cougar Community Forums

Oh my… the site is now a teenager… Those with kids will understand.

It’s been an interesting ride, no doubt about that. We have survived Photobucket wiping out so many of the users linked images. We have survived transitioning first from a shared server to a virtual private server to an actual private server and then back to a shared server. (All correct decisions given the time the they were made) and the big transition from a dying software platform to one that is constantly being maintained and updated. And in the mean time the sheer volume of information has grown exponentially.

And I really want to thank those of you who are sponsoring the site. It continues to be advertising free and never requires selling your soul (FB is taking offers right now… LOL!) And of course Jay continues to keep us out of the internet weeds and running smoothly.

So looking back when did you join and what was your MOST/LEAST favorite thing that has happened to our gang?


Awesome! Thanks for all the hard work, Bill and Jay (and the sponsors)!
Happy Birthday!

Most favorite: just having this space to share info and ideas.
Least favorite: I’d have to say the new software platform.


Awesome site Bill!


Great forum. Thanks and :partying_face: Bday!


Bill, you started a great forum. And many fine people have followed you to make this one of the best places for Mercury Cougar knowledge. Thanks and may this keep growing and have many more Birthdays…


Thank you Bill and team!
I don’t remember when I first joined but it was the old version. I read hours and hours before i joined. Having bought my first Cougar in 1980 at 16 I was learning from hands on and Hot Rod Magazines. Still have those, …hands I mean.
Must have been stationed in Texas when I first came across the “Cougar Community” in the late 90’s using the internet. I can still hear it. Seeing names on the site of people I read about in those magazines was exciting. I new it was going to be a special place for me. Like minded individuals. Hard to make friendships moving around. But this place was always there. The reading made me think, smile, sometimes get involved, and at times made my eyebrows move. No place like it.
AND THEN! WOW upgraded! Add free! Its really too much to ask for. Thanks for all of it!

I love this forum, and can’t believe I had my Cougar for 5 yrs before joining. The guys at WCCC kept telling me I needed to check it out, but I was expecting more of a Facebook experience. This is totally different, thankfully! Thanks Bill and Jay for all you do to make it possible!

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Thank You Bill. Appreciate all your work in preserving Cougardom

Thanks to everyone involved in making this THE classic Cougar enthusiast site.

Thank you bill and jay for a great 13 years here and many more to come. Hard work pays off in the end and honored to be here with other fellow cougar enthusiasts.


Thank you for this wonderful site, and sorry I’m not smarter or energetic. But I love Cougars!!!

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