Happy 3rd Birthday ClassicCougarCommunity Forums! 2013

Time flies when you are having fun!

Happy 3rd Birthday to Classic Cougar Community Forums!

With all of the holiday stuff it is easy to forget, but on December 23rd 2010 the forums officially kicked off in their current form.

This hobby is a lot more fun when you get to share it with friends. It also keeps my wife from having me institutionalized, knowing that there are lots of other people just a crazy as I am.

Thanks to the many great folks that have shared your stories and experience and knowledge, and made this a fun place to hang out!

Thanks to Jay for keeping the bad guys out and the million other things he does to keep this thing up and going.


And thanks, Bill and Jay!

YES! Thanks to EVERYONE who participates! I know when I am bored I can log on to the CCCF and always find something entertaining, educational, or just plain silly to read.

Happy Birthday! Since we’re already in the holiday spirit, don’t forget our favorite Cougar forum and push the “donate” button at the top of the page. Bill and Jay work hard to give us this great place to hang out. Show your appreciation by giving them some financial support.

Thanks Bill and Jay

DONE. Thanks for the reminder Bundy. It’s too easy to just log on and forget how hard these guys work to keep this going for us.

Thanks guys, every little bit helps! It seems that this year we have had our share of challenges. That denial of service attack really kept Jay hopping. The new server seems to be working well and a lot faster than the old one to boot.

Jay gave the forum a very nice birthday present. You may have noticed that the pages are now loading MUCH faster, and Jay deserves the credit. He just updated both the MySQL and PHP data base tools so we are humming like never before. For serious Cougar junkies, the pages can never load fast enough.

Yeah thanks Bill and Jay :slight_smile:

dang those 3 years did pass quickly, but 3 very good years indeed, aiming for 30 more :wink: