I thought I better hurry before Bundy and Andrew (MagCats) beat me to the punch!

Happy New Year everyone!

Who else has spent hours today watching last year’s Barrett Jackson auction?

Happy new year! Hope everyone has a safe and blessed 2012.

Missed Barrett Jackson reruns…should’ve set the DVR.

Happy New Year, all!

Happy New Year everyone!! Hope it is a safe, happy and prosperous one for everyone!

Happy New Year everybody!!! :wave: John

Happy New Year :slight_smile:

Happy New Year from the south Atlantic coast!

Happy new year from up here :beerchug:

Happy New Year everyone! (yup watching B-J reruns)

Happy new year everyone. Even if some calendars show that we are in the year of the dragon, for us every year is the year of the cat. :dance:

Happy New Year, Heres to hoping I make more progress this year. Would love to get the car back together to the point that in 2013 it will be all about rebuilding an engine. Sitting here thinking I am not even sure where to start! Car is fresh back from paint. The only thing I have accomplished so far is hanging the rear axle back on it! All the shiny parts are in the basement to be polished. I have been accumulating all new rubber gaskets, seals and weather strip and just storing them in the car for now. It is to cold to do any painting so any parts that need that have to wait till spring. The next few months will be spent cutting wood, then I can get started. Loosing track of the car right now kinda just cause it is winter.

Happy New Year!!!

Here is to making some progress on the Cougar in 2012.

Happy New Year Grant and everyone else. G, I hope 2012 is the year you get your Coug back on the road! I also wish excellent progress for all who are working hard on their Cats.

Happy New Year everyone.

I sure hope to be driving the '68 again this spring…a lot of work to do yet, but winter is the perfect time to get after it! No yard work, no golf, just a heated garage and a soon to be shiney new '68 Cougar!

Happy New Year everybody. Had a bustling busy weekend, so didn’t get to check in.

Here’s to an upturn in 2012.