Help me inprove the ROTM write ups.

I am not fishing for compliments, I am fishing for some constructive criticism.

What do you think about the layouts… text, picture, text, picture, text… does it just make it harder to read?

Are the articles too long, too short too much BS?

What do you want to see more of? Less of?

Is there a ROTM that you really liked? How about one that really sucked?

Your thoughts?

Bill, I personally enjoy your write ups on each car. The way you blend what was happening historically and the winners car and story make for great reading. Every winner’s background and their cars are so different, from top end restorations to works in progress. Yet all have one thing in common, they love their cars. And it cannot be easy for you to always get information from the winners to get a head start on writing their stories. I know you weren’t looking for compliments but I also have no complaints.
The time and effort you put forth is something I could never criticize.

I completely agree

I like the direction that the featured cars has been going.
My favorite so far has been Kim’s 1969 from March 2017. Love the information and back story on the car and owner.

:thumbup: I wouldn’t change anything.

What I like is that it is not a showcase of the best and rarest cougars but a cross-cut of what the average Cougar owner owns and is proud of. Sometimes the articles can get a little wordy but that is not an issue as one can easily skim past segments.

Bill - It ain’t broke! :smiley:

Ever Cougar is special in my opinion. They have all managed to beat the odds to still be here. Some how these lucky Cougars got picked by a series of owners that all cared to maintain or restore a 50 year old obsolete vehicle.

I can definitely be wordy (understatement!) in person I have been known to suck all the oxygen out the room. Is it all stuff you already know or just too long to read?

Maybe I can incorporate a summary: Owner information, Marti Report, and pictures.

I do not use the forum via my phone so the only time I spend on the forum is when I can sneak a peek at work in between calls and such so long articles are not in my time budget. Once I get home from work I am done with screens.

+1. I also subscribe to Dons comment that once out of work " I’m done with screens" . Not totally true on my part but I try. So here I sit at the hotel bar as I’m on the road looking at my gosh darn phone. At least its cougar porn!

berns68 said it very well. I really loved the write up that you did on my 68 vert for this month’s Ride of the Month, Bill. I have looked over some other Ride of the Month winners and I agree that you have a particular skill for this. Uncanny, actually. I did really enjoy the write up that you did for the March 2016 Ride of the Month that is owned by Malcolm McMillan (67 Vert Custom). That cat is actually up for sale at the moment. I have a feeling that somebody soon is going to be the lucky new owner of a super Cougar.

I enjoy the write up of each months winner. I think you’ve managed to make each write up evolve since they started, and it’s good in my opinion. No change to the format needed.

My only suggestion would be to consider adding ROTM winners inside the ATSOTC or Legendary Cougar on a featured page. Maybe a single photo and a small write up/overview would be nice. As Don said, some of us a tired of looking at screens at the end of the day so seeing it in the magazine could be a way to change things up. Otherwise, keep up the great work!

As an aside, I still like the idea of taking the years ROTM winners and voting for ROTY. The winner can be the cover of a ROTM calendar.

I was pretty blown away by that history and really enjoyed reading the tie-in to my car!

Like the others, I like reading the stories and think you’re doing a great job “as is.” At work, I don’t spend my day in front of a screen and do not use my phone for much beyond the occasional telephone call, so the longer articles and photo spreads on my laptop in the evenings in my recliner ( :laughing: ) aren’t an issue for me.

Remind about the Ride of the year next January. No reason we couldn’t do that. The calendar is another story. Many of the images I get are not owned by the owner of the car or they are too small to print clearly. Ownership is a big deal if you are going to charge for something, and to cover print we would have to charge fro the calendar.

I would be happy to let the CCOA have the content for the ATSOTC. I will mention it to Gavin and see if they think it would be something they would like to do.