When I did my interior a couple years ago I could not find an off the shelf option. I reused the rear back matte but added to it with a cut up kids sleeping bag. LOL. The rear bottom matte was a lost cause so I just used 1 inch foam stock and cut it to shape with other half of the sleeping bag. As the rear seat lower and back sections are rectangular it turned out fine. Today I see that NPD has a full set of front and rear options. I can’t vouch for the quality however so buyer beware. Personally I would get everything you can from WCCC and branch out for the rest.
My interior was full of nests from mice and all that type of goodness. Here’s what I did.
1 Removed covers, foam etc… down to the springs/burlap.
2 Cut away any burlap with heavy stains / rot. Thankfully mice don’t consider burlap a good building material is seems. Most of mine was intact.
3 I used bailing wire in one spot to repair some of the spring that was rusted away.
4 Outside in the sun I soaked the springs/burlap in an oxygenated cleaner. Oxyclean or similar spray. I was gentle on the burlap basically just soaking it. However I scrubbed down the metal with a small brush. Toothbrush or dedicated detailing brush should be fine.
5 Rinsed out the cleaner with a water hose. ( I probably did a spray and rinse twice) It was summer so things dried quickly. Plus I used some fans to speed up the drying process.
6 The next day I sprayed on Odor Bully. Really saturated the burlap. Again always in the summer sun. I did this a few times with the goal of just airing these things out.
7 Once completely dry I proceeded with the regular reupholster process. So you’d have to coordinate that with your shop. Or just go all new as far as the cloth and vinyl goes.
Here’s my repair thread for reference.