Hi From the "new" guy

“New” guy here at CCC, and a HUGE THANK YOU to Bill B. for giving us a place to “talk Cougar” again.

Like many of you, I haven’t been doing the mc.net thing for the past year or so. After being active there for nearly seven years, I felt it had devolved into something ugly & malignant, and nothing I wanted to be part of.

But, I missed you guys (99.9% of you anyway). Jim Stagner’s passing (thanks for the notice JK) brought me back to mc.net. I went there intending to post a tribute if no-one had (thanks Leon), and so I poked around a little. That poking led me to catch up on the shenanigans, and brother Mark pointed me to this site & the rest of the shenanigans, so I’m all caught up I think. None of it is all that surprising, but it’s still a shame.

So enough negativity. As Jim’s passing reminds me: life is too short to wallow in BS.

Thanks again to Bill & all you guys for doing what you do (not to make it an “I love you guys” thread). Looking forward to poking around more as time permits.

Welcome aboard!

Ooh, from “I love you” to “poking around” in just one sentence? Shenanigans indeed!

By your handle here I can tell already that I’at looking forward to seeing some pics.



Wow! That didn’t take long.

Good to see you’re here! Now don’t be a stranger.

Hi Chris. Glad to see you found us. How are things at the new homestead?

Welcome to CCCF Chris. :beerchug: John

Hey Chris glad to have you on the board! There are a bunch of folks here that may not be acquainted with your collection… So post up some pics if you can find the time. Do you have a link to the TV show?

Welcome aboard! It’s good to have another convert from MC.net. Looking for those pictures.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes. I will try to post some pics soon.
EDIT - I posted some pics of stuff we’ve been working on, I will try to take some more pics of the '67 when I have a chance, as we’ve been fooling around with that a bit too.

Chris, are you going to join us at the store on May 20th? That’s the season opening BBQ for the Cougar Club of New England. I’ve also invited the Ford Truck Enthusiasts (FTE) MA Chapter to join us as well.

Thanks for the notice Bill. I would love that, and it would give me a chance to pay my CCNE dues & see all “yous guys”. Right now I’m doubtful for that event because my in-laws are coming up to spend the weekend w/us. I’ve got it on my calendar though & will come by if I’m able.

Did you stick your pushpin on the map?

Top Left, member locations. Additions… add marker

got it, thanks johnboy

wounder when you would show up again. You’ll find this more like MC.net use to be…welcome.