I officially entered the world of home ownership today. Or as I prefer to call it, mortgage ownership. Lotsa work coming up, there are a bunch of items I have to rectify in the next 30 days that were raised as issues in the village inspection (last week!) that the homeowner didn’t have time to take care of. After that, there’s fixtures that need to be replaced, major appliances to replace, and the basement needs to be bathed in bleach. As soon as I’ve changed the locks and figured out if I can change the setting of the garage door openers, or if I have to replace em, and as soon as we get a bit of rain without snow, to wash away the lingering salt on the roads, my Cougar will make the move to her new home, a splendid 24’ x 34’ garage that I plan to spend a whole lot of time in. I was expecting the sellers to leave the pool table in the basement, but was pleasantly surprised to see they also left the one in the garage. How I’ll spend any time in the house, I have no idea.
Congratulations. Apparently this is the official week for classic Cougar owners to become homeowners…I spent all day today moving my crap into my place.
I am jealous of your 24’ x 34’ garage…I only have a standard 2-car.
They were only willing to give a $500 credit towards the stuff that popped up in the village inspection. Considering the sale price was $25k below the value it ended up appraising for, I didn’t wanna try and push for an extra few hundred toward the stuff I’m now on the hook for. Basically we got a ridiculously good deal by sheer luck of being in the right place at the right time. And probably anyone else that looked at the house during the short time it was on the market didn’t give it a second thought because of the dog pee in the basement. For me it was like, fine house, incredible garage, super low price, gimmie a bucket of bleach and a coat of paint. We’ll see if it ends up working out like that in the next few weeks I guess.
Now you not only get to experience fixing things that go wrong on the Cougar, you get to do it for an entire house as well. I’ve always felt it’s worth it though just to have someplace that’s your own.
Don’t forget the lawnmower and snowblower!! I actually just found out my parents bought a new snowblower and are going to give me their old one, which has some sort of carb problem. My understanding is it’s something my dad would have just fixed himself except their garage is full of a bunch of stuff from the sale of my grandpa’s house, so he didn’t have anywhere to do the work other than outside in the cold. So I guess I’m about to learn a little something about how a snowblower carb works, and if I’m lucky it will be with my dad coming over to the house and showing me. Otherwise I guess I’ll be looking to the Internet for help with it.
Yeah, house stuff! Electrical is no problem. Carpentry I’m okay with, nothing close to an expert but I can hold my own. Plumbing I have pretty much 0 experience with and am about to get a bunch. Shower head might stay but the valves/knobs are for sure getting replaced. Bathroom sink will get a new fixture. Same for kitchen sink. Dishwasher, we’re probably gonna wait a little while on that, but it’s gonna get replaced sooner or later.
Oh something awesome, there are two fridges left (kitchen and basement-- they took the one from the garage) neither of which is so good. One of them will end up in the garage for use during the summer months. The other can serve as a test bed for a fridge technology I have had an idea about for a year or two now, which if I can get it to work like I hope to, I’ll become a very rich man and will retire to a life of working on my Cougar and home, without the day job. And if I can’t get it to work, then I just have to figure out how to scrap a fridge. No loss.
Lotsa work coming up. And I’m totally looking forward to it!
Congratulations on being a home owner. Sounds like its everything you want. I’m glad I don’t need a snow blower, we get cold and some snow but nothing to warrant a blower. Plumbing is pretty straight forward, watch some videos on fixing leaks and fawcett replacement. If the house has copper just use care because it gets thin over time and you can chase leaks. Good luck!
Your comment, “The other can serve as a test bed for a fridge technology” is this another way to cool the fridge or an add on other than ice and water?
If you can do that, you will do well! They say the efficiency drops over the years and the older the fridge gets the more power it take to run the thing. My Father inlaw was an appliance repair man, so any info I needed on anything like that, he was a great source. Unless you are well versed with refrigeration, get connected with someone that is so give you advice. A good question to ask someone in the know, would be, what makes these things in-efficient? and go from there. Best to you. Just as Don has asked, basically backers with $$ to grow a business, find someone willing to do the same for you, Your going to need it. I have many ideas as well, but, the saying goes, you need money to make money!
To bad you couldn’t use the Thermal idea kinda like the way they heat and cool houses. Seems like that would save money on the running of the thing course then you would need to hook it into the plumbing also? Congrats on the house. A lot of work. I built my own and it took 18 months and almost cost me my marriage!! I learned a lot and it is nice to know you can work on it, change colors, spray paint in the basement!! What ever you want it is yours!! Have fun. Aint nothing in that house you can’t tackle if you want to. Landscaping is fun and really ups the value too. Course sounds like you will be working in the garage more than outside.