How does registry help owners?

As an owner of a XR7G what steps should be taken to register the the vehicle with the registry or change the owner on record? What information will be needed to do this? Once this has been done is there any support from the registry in the way of information on other cars that have been registered and how do you receive this information?

You should contact me so I can add your information to the registry. After you supply your information you will receive a copy of the registry that you can use to locate other G owners who may be able to help you with parts or information. I also have extensive documentation of parts and even some extra XR7-G parts. I have shipping records for a few XR7-G’s that can show the exact date your car left the AO Smith facility for shipment to the dealer. I also can document your car’s authenticity since I contracted rights to use a copy of the data that Kevin Marti leases from Ford Motor Company.

I will need your car’s VIN, your address and phone number, and would like to have current pictures of the car. A Marti Report would be nice if you have already bought one.

I sent the information to the address listed in At The Sign of The Cat, is this the right address? I have the Marti report and can send a copy of it as well.

I sent you an email. Sorry it could not be sooner.