How to change passward

I was trying out my wife’s new small! tablet and will, the stuff is so small on there, my big fingers hit the wrong thing and now I have a new password. I want to reset the password again. I have gone into control panel and for the life of me, I can’t find a way to do it. Any help would be great!

Up in the corner of this page under Board Index, there is alink to User Control Panel. Click on that.

There are a row of tabs that run across the top, starting with Overview. The second one is Profile, click on that.

In the left hand column, there are several options, starting with Edit Profile, click on the bottom one, Edit account settings.

This brings you to the page where you can change your password.

Let me know if that doesn’t work.

Thanks, that worked. Sorry for the double post, when I didn’t see it at the top of the page, I thought it didn’t post.

These bulletin boards are like puzzles with a few missing pieces. Thanks for asking the question, I am sure it will come in handy for others in the future.