How to remove 69 rear bumper?

My rear bumper has a slight curve on the bottom of the lower right side. I would like to remove it, straighten it out and shim if necessary. I can’t see how to access the frame extension and the nuts on the bumper bolts. There aren’t any body plugs. Do the taillights need to be removed for access?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Open up your trunk look underthe tail lights you will see two bolts on each side. Those four bolts hold the bumper on.

Be careful with the license plate light, it is also attached to the bumper.

Remove the fasteners that hold the license light to the bumper before wrenching the four bolts inside the trunk.

thanks for the info. I had a look last night, found the bolts that I didn’t notice previously. It looks to me as if these bolts thread directly into a bracket which the bumper is bolted to. It should be easy to remove if this is the case.

threeonthetree, are you planning in sticking in your pushpin?

Help populate NS :laughing:

How do I do that?

Just go to “Additions”, then “Add Marker - Simple”.

Hey, I didnt notice…I finally have a neighbor here, sort’a. Hello Neighbor :beerchug:
And listen johnboy, quit pickin on us!! hehe

Since your province now has twice the numbers of mine, i guess, i’ll have to call you guys “sir” :laughing:

Sir dmac… I like it. But no, Mister will do! ; )

Its good to hear from a couple of guys “close” to home. I bought my 69 on ebay last summer sight unseen and had it shipped to NS. Turns out Don Rush owned the car a few years back and gave me the name of the guy he bought it from. I managed to contact him and got a bit more of the history. Its been a great experience so far.