Fresh from the machine shop 289, that will replace the 289 from my 68. The “hot rod motor” from when I was going to school, way, way back in 2005. Originally, that engine was a .030/ .010 289, with the performer RPM heads, and cam, with .496/.520. This was the engine that I had to learn about valve train geometry the very hard and expensive way! I had the Edelbrock dual quad intake, which I sadly sold a few years ago, thinking I needed the money. I wish I hadn’t sold it, but life goes on. It worked really well though! So to the point, The cam that just came out is fine, and I’m going to re-use it. (The engine no longer made any oil pressure when warm. ) I am going to re-use the heads, and push rods as well. However as a matter of just in case I am going to replace the lifters. So, what is the current thinking on brands of lifters? A guy that I trust at work said go with Melling, as the manufacture a LOT of parts that get re-branded. Comp cams has a similar price as the Melling. I can’t find a listing for Edelbrock lifters that don’t come with a cam kit.
Also, as far as the rear main seal is concerned, my re-ring kit came with the usual two piece. Thoughts on an anerobic sealer, or just stick with the usual RTV black at the corners? It’s been about 4 years now since I put together a short block, and I"m just trying refresh my memory, and see what may be new that I’m unaware of.
Today any of the lifters that you buy will come from India. Quality control is non existent - you might buy lifters that are fine or you might spend your money on junk. I would rather buy older lifters that you know will work.
Motorcraft or Autolite in original boxes from 40 years ago is what I buy. eBay, Amazon etc.
I checked Ebay, but the only thing I found was a loose group from Canada, with no box or part number.
That’s weird. I found these and they are in Virginia: NOS 1965-1973 Mustang 260 / 289 / 302 / 351C / 351W Valve Lifter - Set of 8 | eBay
That’s enough lifters for half the engine.
True and they are much more expensive than the ones that I bought back when they were everywhere.
I searched “NOS, motorcraft, autolite, lifters 289”- this is what I got–Nos 29 Assorted Ford Lifters | eBay
My 2 cents is step up and do a roller cam. the flat tappet cams and lifters are just junk now days. your get better performance, and drivability. the only downside is cost for cam lifters and probably springs.
I did a roller cam in my 69, and am happy with the way it runs. This is the engine that I had such a painful learning curve with about valve train geometry. I already have all the other pieces for the build. If this were a new build I’d go with a roller again, just because of how common it is to have a flat tappet cam failure.