ISO Restorable 67 - 68 Styled Steel Wheels

I am looking for a restorable set of 67 - 68 styled steel wheels. I do not need center caps but would like trim rings. I have a driver project that I would like to remove the factory hubcaps from and get something a little more appealing. Thank you.

Who restores them?

You are probably only looking for 14x6 1967-68 styled steel wheels? There were narrower, styled steel wheels in 1967, that will not fit over 1968+ disc brake calipers.

Yeah, I haven’t found anybody that will touch the old riveted styled steel wheels.

If the chrome is decent enough for a driver the guy who has done my powdercoating in the past will blast the barrels of the rim inside and out and coat them. I have stripped the argent paint with liquid paint remover and repainted several sets in the past.

I’ve also done that, and polished up the chrome keyhole surrounds and replaced the gaskets for those. The wheels aren’t cracked, rivets are tight, and they look great! But they are slightly out of round causing a noticeable wobble at 45 mph. So all my work has been a bit like putting lipstick on a pig.

Where are you at? I’m in AZ and I have a set on mine, 14’s. I did the same thing a while back, put these on so I wouldn’t have to look at the hubcaps. When I was in NC a Mustang guy gave them to me, trim rings too. Don’t know if they are original or repops. I haven’t made the change to disc yet so I haven’t figured out which 15’s I want yet.

If you aren’t in a huge hurry (I’m thinking spring) I’d probably let’em go for shipping.

Hi, I have a couple of these in the shed with trim rings. Let me know your thoughts?
Robert Spokane WA

I appreciate your reply I was able to locate a set and recently had them installed. Thank you.