Jalopnik Cougar Wallpaper

Bit of Cougar Love from Jalopnik!

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Do I have to be the first to comment on the truck in the background? :snooty:

Why a Chevrolet? Why not a Ford truck? A Mack B-61 would be a good fit for anything in the foreground.

Is this a painting? Or, some type of brushed photo?

What is Jalopnik?

A truck like this would be good. I was hoping to find a pic of a Cougar next to my shop truck…but you get the idea. It’s a 1957 Mack B-42.

Hopefully this year I can get the cab painted. Then make it my mobile advertising.

Ooh, I think that I would clear coat that truck cab. Keep the patina.

Ask and ye shall receive…
68 Cougar.jpg

Unlike so many Ford T-buckets, this shot is now Chevy-free.

thank you.

I agree with that!!!


Hey, just being Mr. Nice Guy. BTW: I still miss my '53 Chevy 3800.