July 2017 Ride of the Month Nominations are now open!

Please make an effort to let the nominees know they have been nominated and if possible make sure they are interested in participating.


This thread is where you will put nominations for the

July 2017 Ride of the Month!

All you need to do is to identify the car and the owner. A picture of the car would be helpful if you can locate one.

As a reminder, here is how it works:

You can nominate any Cougar, even your own. All nominations must be seconded.

We will nominate cars until the 27th of the month,
then vote from the 27th to the 1st of the following month, and announce the winner.

A new thread honoring the winner will go up just as quickly afterwards as possible. Then we start all over again.

The winning car will be pictured at the top of the Forums header for the month.

how about all the Cougars that made the 50th in Dearborn.

I like the idea of cars that attended Dearborn. I would like to Nominate Brian Carpenters Boss 302. As there ever a place that had 10 Boss Cougars all gathered at an event previously?


Could this be the same Brian Carpenter?

Yes it is. I second Brian’s Boss 302


I’d like to nominate Melissa and Ray Shereda’s car. That is one fine Cat that sacrificed its life so they could walk away with only minor injuries.

Do me one favor. CONTACT them if they are not on the board!!! I work too hard to do these write ups to have winners that do not respond.

Brian is on here and I second that one. The hard part is picking which car! I will second the nomination.

So…in that case, I nominate Mr. Carpenters track car…

(anyone else want to nominate his G while we’re at it??)

His G is a previous winner… !

If it turns out they are in fact members here, I’ll second the Shereda’s poor cat. A write up on safety issues with these old cars would be interesting.

Contact and OK from Melissa. :slight_smile:

I will second Brian’s track car and Melissa’s Silver Bullet.

The Shereda’s are friends of mine. I will contact them

I’ve contacted the Shereda’s

Whoa… can I have two Cougars going against each other for ride of the month. That was Unexpected. I just as soon give the honor to the Shereda’s for everything they have gone thru this last month. Would be a nice last honor for their Cougar before it gets parted and put to rest for good.

Go figure. I was too lazy to go back and look at the list. The Shereda’s car would be an interesting winner, for sure.

Jumped the gun again huh? :unamused:

Brian’s G has won before but his 67 track Cat has not, so that’s a good choice.

Brian and his son, Mitchel in his track cat, where else, at the track.