June Meeting Saturday June 1 at Fuddruckers in Lakewood

There is a meeting June 1st this Saturday @ Fuddruckers in Lakewood. The address is 5229 N Clark Ave Lakewood. 562-408-1555. They have a car show on Saturdats at this location. The club will sponsor your fee of $1.00
We need to be there no later than 11 so we can park together . Michael Jackson and Mike Brown will be there by 10:30 we can have our meeting at 11 and finish it by 12. Lunch to follow.
This sound like a lot of fun, so come out and enjoy.

It will be a nice WARM Southern California day so please bring the Cougar and a friend. so drop the top, or roll the windows down and cruise over to the show/meeting At Fuddruckers.