Isn’t it amazing how it does that? I have been meaning to post this for about 8 weeks now and just can’t seem to find the time to sit down and do it. Here is an attempt at the reader’s digest version:
As some of you know, I am a grandfather. The joyous occasion actually happened 2 years ago this past Feb, My daughter, the mother, graduated HS that May. Now this May she gets her LPN certificate. My oldest daughter also graduates from Liberty University in May…in fact, both things happen the same day, causing my wife and I to have to split the ceremonies as we can’t both make each one. Seems like only yesterday I was rocking them. Anyway, back to my youngest daughter… She does not want to be an LPN, or an RN. She has designs of being a little higher in the medical food chain than that (no, not a Dr). Upon graduation, she wants to move about 2 hours south of here to the Triad area of North Carolina (Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point) to find a better paying job than she could get in this small area, and to continue her education. The Mrs. And I talked about it and came to the conclusion that, being a single mother with her whole life ahead of her, she was going to need some (OK a lot of) help and support. With that in mind, we made the decision to move. My wife is originally from that area, and I worked for a cafeteria chain based in that area for 17+ years before moving here and taking over the restaurant I currently manage 8 years ago. Being 52 years old, I really didn’t want to ‘start all over’ somewhere, and since a VP of my former employer has been asking me for about 2 years now if I was ready to come back, I called them and, in a sense, am going ‘back home’ to work for them. They even graciously allowed me to give an 8 week notice here, to give me time to train my replacement. This restaurant is a single unit operation for a family owned company that is primarily an automotive fuel/heating oil business with several convenience store/gas stations in the area as well as a Hampton Inn and a couple smaller sized franchises such as 2 TCBY’s and a Pizza Inn.
So, what does this all mean? Well, in an effort to downsize because this is going to be a financially strain on us if we aren’t very careful, and for some other reasons, I sold Ragcat II, my ’70 ‘vert: I work my last day today here, and travel down to the Triad area this evening in order to begin work with my ‘new’ old employer tomorrow. My daughter does not graduate until mid May, so she, my wife & grandson, will be staying up here for a while longer. While we accommodate this, try to sell our home, and try to find a new home where we are headed, I will just be renting a room in a residence down there, working my 5 days a week, and then coming back up here for my days off for the next 1-2 months. Joy Joy!! “Sharing” a house is a strange experience for me. It has been 30+ years since I have been in a ‘roommate’ situation. LOL!!! I do not have a lap top, or a “smart” phone, and I will probably have no internet access except 2 days a week so I will not be able to get my multiple daily Cougar fixes. Since I am attempting to sell off a few things and hope to be posting a few more items, if you try to contact me and I do not respond quickly, please understand. In the unlikely event that I have a mad rush of folks wanting to purchase anything, I will respond in the order that I am contacted as quickly as I can. In the mean time, thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated as we go through this transition. Thanks for listening!
Chuck life moves fast. Good luck and enjoy everything that life offers. Some people are scared of change but I say embrace it, it seems you have.
Chuck, that is a good thing you are doing and I wish you all the luck in the sale of your home, and finding something there that you and your family will be happy with. Change is never easy and sometimes going back to a previous situation can be even more difficult.
I know how how nerve racking this situation can be as I did a long distance move and then had to re-do it a couple of years later.
Once again, all the best of luck to you and your family. And congratulations on becoming a grandfather.
Best of Luck in everything Chuck!
chuck sorry to see you lose another. however it sounds like it needed to happen , gods speed man!
Thanks all for your kind words. Yes, life is embraced and forward we go. When I look around me at so m any that are less fortunate, well, you know where that thought goes…First two days at work have been interesting to say the least. And Justin, yeah I lost another '70, but at least I do have the '71 to keep me company in the mean time!! It is actually kinda growing on me!!
Chuck, please keep in mind you owe me a visit. Sometime when you come up from the flat lands,take some time. Mike
Thanks for reminding me Mike! I will certainly do my best. As of right now, will be coming home after work on Tues nights and headed back Thursday afternoons. If not next week, will certainly try to catch up to you the following week. Going to PM you my cell #. If you would, text me or call me with yours and I will call you a couple of days before I plan on coming. Thanks Again!!