Limited Slip v. Detroit Locker

My locker was bought new and installed in '92 and all of the complaints that everyone has ever made about them were ever present. Especially reared their ugly heads on wet pavement and snow as the Camaro was my high school ride so it also served as my driver every day. Car went from a decent balance of straight line grip and handling to a car that would transfer power to both wheels at the worst possible moment. Worst decision I ever made on that car was installing a locker on a car that saw more street time than drag strip time. The guy I sold it to made his first project removing the locker and going with a limited slip. After owning it for 25 yrs said that is the only thing he’s done to it and that he’s never regretted it.

$50 Discount on a TruTrac.

True-trac is a great differential! Just not “hardcore” badass! Like i said in the beginning! And… (here we go… Lol!) Lots of women don’t like lockers!!!

LOL! I Don’t know how tall you are so I can’t claim Napoleon Complex for my side of the argument :poke: Just kiddin’ man!

I don’t own one so I cannot say for sure, but I have a feeling that a locker would make my vagina hurt.

Just sayin’…

I think you just called my Cougar road course car “non bad ass” because it has a Trutrac :frowning:

I use the Yukon copy of the Locker in my everyday car. I can back Royce up with my experience. It usually only shows its character turning into the pits at slow speed after a hard launch and pass down the track. I suppose it has popped once or twice at the supermarket.

The TrueTrac is very nice, including in northeast winter show. Not as durable for a street/strip car, though.

6’3", 260lbs… Napoleon not applicable! Lol!

No more vagina hurt!!! I was just yankin panties!! Lol! :mrgreen:

Wouldn’t do that bud! That there is what i like to call pokin’ fa fa fun! Wait… Maybe… No! Just pokin fun! :mrgreen: although one could argue the same with hydraulic cam vs. flat, supercharger vs turbo… Manual vs. auto, Etc! There’s always a more “hardcore” in my opinion!

True 'dat. Nothin wrong with a little good natured ribbing. Although I DO feel like I’m retaining water all of a sudden.

Tangential question but I’ve always been curious.

I have a '69 CJ Mach with an honestly unknown, but non-open rear end (assumed the 3.50 TL per Marti report, but who knows after all these years?). I have owned this car for about 20 years and never had cause to have any work done to the differential (although now that I’m thinking about it, it’s time for me to change that ancient gear oil this summer!). It has ALWAYS made one “clunk” and kind of “shimmied” – just a side-to-side/notch-like motion – when you start driving forward. This is a really small thing, it’s not loud and it’s mostly noticeable in the seat of your pants thru the seat, but it’s been the same for 20 years. No clicking or weirdness in tight corners and the “Traction Lok-ness” seems to work. Is this a TL thing, a TL-going-bad-slowly thing, or maybe it’s not a TL at all?

Sounds like a little driveline slop maybe too much clearance or wear between ring and pinion gears after years and years of use. Our shop Bronco did that right before the ring gear gave up the ghost which left a bunch of trash in the housing thanks to the guy who drives it every day not saying anything while it was “clunking” every time he hit the gas. He no longer drives that one. I do.

Traction Lock rears require a small bottle of Ford Motorsports brand whale oil added to the lubricant. Using the gear oil marked “for Positraction rear axles” does no good. You must use a bottle of the Ford Motorsports Traction Lock Additive or it will do what yours is doing.

Or, best price without AMZN’s $35 minimum order:

It has the Mopar version of TL additive.

Hope it’s a 50/50 mix!:joy:


I buy it at the Ford dealer parts dept. Save shipping.