Link to Ford licensed parts vendors

Seems like a good resource. I hope the hyperlink transferred…

Great link. Some names conspicuously missing though. Wonder if they even know about it.

That site hasn’t been updated in years. Right now there are only two guys at Ford running the whole deal and they are doing their best just to keep it all going. One of them has been very very ill and he hasn’t been able to work much.

That’s too bad. It would be a great resource.

On a music-themed message forum where I post, in the one car repair-themed thread, I’ve been talking a bunch about what I’m doing with my Cougar and asking advice from the in-the-know folks there. To get to the point, one of the guys there said that he found out that one of the people he interacts with, her dad was one of the original designers of the Cougar. I asked if there’s any way to get in contact with him but haven’t got a response. How awesome would that be though?

WOW! That would be very cool. Let us know if it pans out.