Hi. Need to find a replacement for a 69 CJ piston (std), double eyebrow single notch, engineering number C8OE-6110AE. Shipping to Sydney Australia (at my expense naturally), thanks in advance!
some more specifics - trying to replace an original piston to match with the other 7, so specifically need the first gen of CJ piston, pre 13 Nov 68 as they are lighter than the later versions. Thanks in advance.
Go to Allclassicmotors.com. Click on your year car. They have some 428 pistons. You’ll have to inquire about what exactly your looking for through email on their website. They don’t have a phone number advertised. It may take a couple of days to get back to you. Last time I inquired about some parts It was like 3 or 4 weeks before they responded back but they will respond back.
Let me know if you are still in need and I will check the ones I have.
Hi BigBad, yes still looking for the early version (just need the one). Would appreciate if you get a chance to look. Cheers, Steve
Thanks rare70 - I’ll reach out but not expect a speedy reply!
Rare70 just realised I reached out to these guys last week, the response was actually fast (overnight) but sadly didn’t have any of the early ones, only later versions.