Hi all…
Tried to find a thread on this but couldn’t. So even with 3/8 tank of fuel, my low fuel warning light stays on. A rookie question needing an expert answer…
Hi all…
Tried to find a thread on this but couldn’t. So even with 3/8 tank of fuel, my low fuel warning light stays on. A rookie question needing an expert answer…
Broken resistor wire on the low fuel relay? ECI Bob should be able to help with this one. He sells a low fuel relay replacement circuit. Search for ELFI.
Deleted wrong advice for the symptom…
Interesting…thanks very much for your time. Do you also know how I would identify it?
Changed my mind - I was thinking of 67 - 68, but the test wire circuit is different when I looked at the '69 XR-7 wiring diagram. It looks like the prove out wire goes to the ignition switch from the Low Fuel Relay. From what I can see it would be hard to screw up the connections at the ignition switch, the printed circuit on the back of the dash, and the connector on the low fuel relay.
I would try unplugging the connector at the gas tank first, to make sure the (Thermistor) low fuel sending unit is not shorted. That would cause the same symptoms. If you unplug the connector and the light goes out then you have a bad thermistor.
Thank you very much for your time and advice Royce. I appreciate it…
1967 XR7, low fuel light stays on and wont go off even when car is shut off and key is out. I attached a photo of the starter solenoid, which I read could be part of the problem. I believe I have it correct, I also tried unplugging the connector from the fuel sending unit itself and it remains on. Would that mean it is the relay under the dash?
The prove-out for the low fuel light is a single wire that connects to the starter post on the starter solenoid. This lights the light to test it while the starter is cranking. I bet you’ve got yours connected to the battery post of the starter solenoid which is hot all the time.
Are you able to tell from the photo i attached above if I have it connected wrong?
I was thinking of 69-70. Sorry, but I’m not sure how the 67-68 prove out was wired, and can’t tell what all is connected to your starter solenoid battery post in that pic.