Hi guys,
I’m out in AZ for a week and looking to meeting as many of you Cats with Cats as I can. I’m in the extreme East Valley area in Apache Jucntion (really in Gold Canyon) at my Mother’s place until first thing on Wednesday. Other than a quick day-trip to Tucson on Saturday, I have no concrete plans (other than getting together with my family here comes first - IF they can find the time to see me… So if anyone is available Friday evening, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday drop me a PM.
Dang, Milo, of all the weekends!
I’m stuck in Yuma with my son and his 4H animals (our regular “critter sitter” has other commitments this weekend); while my wife is also headed to Tucson for her Mom’s “surprise” birthday party.
Yeah, my brother-in-law (who lives, I believe, in Montville… or Mentor… somewhere near you) is devising this “master-planned” party; which means that, should mom-in-law actually not know what’s going on already, it is a MAJOR surprise!
Hey, wait a minute… you’re not going to Tucson for Clare’s 80th birthday party, are you? If you are, Don’t say anything to Eric about talking to me! He still thinks I agree with him on everything. It’s just an easy way to keep peace in the family.
Oh, and tell Sue that her husband and son miss her.