Mercury's head returns!

Ok, I was bored and the weather was iffy all day so I had nothing to do. I had replaced the windsheild fluid tank last year with the new after market one that did not have Mercury on the cap like the original. My old cap was gouged and mishapened and could not be reused. I did keep it though as a reminder of the original. So today I saw it on my peg board and suddenly I had an idea. I took it down and carefully used my box knife with a new blade and cut his head outline out of it. Then I took my trusty 3M black weatherstrip adhesive and applied it to the back and carefully centered it on the new cap. And now an important little detail has returned!! I know I should get a life!!! LOL
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Small details like that the average person dosen’t see but we do. Well done! :thumbup:

Hey, it kept you off the streets for an hour or so!