Need help new be here

I just acquired a 1973 that someone was in process of painting and took all window trim off except passenger side rear window is completely out and i have a few pieces of trim but not sure whats missing especially for side and rear can anyone help

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Start with laying the trim you have on the car finding where it belongs. You may have to tape it in place temporally. This should help you find what you need.

Restoring or just putting i back together can seem like a big job. But doing things in small steps will help you keep from getting burned out.

Also letting us know what paer of the world your in may help fins other local owners who may be able to help some.

Good luck with this and welcome to the madness!

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Badcatt gave some good advice.

I’d like to add that you can try looking up the '73 trim pieces on the West Coast Classic Cougar website, as well as Googling up picture of '73 Cougars to try and get an idea of what goes where and what might be missing.

When you get a chance, please post some pictures of your car, as well as pics of the trim pieces you have. Folks here will probably be able to recognize what you have an what’s missing just from the pictures :slight_smile:

I have only the front surround a broken piece of the back and part of passenger side