Need to repaint dash

I have some light surface rust on the dash of my 69 XR-7. Sanding it would screwup the texture of the dash, what is a good method of dealing with the rust and what is a good paint to use to restore the dash?

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is the dash out of the car? i would use a scuff pad and some rustoleum dirty metal primer than a semi gloss rustoleum paint. i did this with mine and it looks really good!

First concern is to kill and stop the rust as anything you put over it will not last nor look as it should.

Taking it out is the best choice from there you can treat the rust or LIGHTLY blast the surface as sanding will reduce the factory texture I think your looking to maintain. Wire brushing is another method (light brass brush) to get into all the recesses.

Follow that with a light coat of primer (though the factory skipped that step) and finally with color. If your looking for the factory look and the interior is “black” remember to use the Dark Charcoal metallic paint rather than a satin or semi-gloss black. The stuff often does a poor job of covering so most will lay down a light coat of black then top coat that with the Charcoal. Too much paint will fill the texture and too much Charcoal will produce a shinny finish so instead apply it with a couple of thin dry coats

Hope this helps

What type of paint would you recommend (enamel…laquer…etc…) , again I’m completely new to auto restoration. Thanks all for you help and advice.

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There are allot of controlling details in responding to that question. In parts of the country you can’t purchase nor spray laquer. Also do you want rattle cans or are you shooting with a spray gun?

Spray gun / air brush

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NPD sells rattle cans that work really well and go pretty far. They have it for both flexible surfaces (i.e., dash pad) and for hard surfaces.

Sand blasting works best on the lower dash, I did both sides (the inside of these gets quite rusty) and had no ill effects on the texture whatsoever even though I used a serious blaster, a pressure blaster with pool filter sand.

I did as Jay suggested, flat black (I used this as a primer) and then the Charcoal Grey Metallic. The back side I sprayed with “natural” (cast iron/bare steel) paint.

Hope this helps.


Did you use rattle cans or did you use a spray gun?

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Rattle cans for dash, dash pad, plastic trim, side vent grilles, console, console lid. I highly recommend it.

Not sure if I would blast the metal but if you have to I’ve found that running so fine sand paper over the surfaces takes the blasting “texture” off the top of the camera or pebble grain pressed into the metal. Either way be careful IMHO that you done reduce or eliminate the texure.

I soda blasted mine and it came out great. Thanks for the tips on painting. Would not have thought of Charcol mettalic. I think I am going to go with a stainless steel color on the back side. Using a lighter color helps when working under the dash.