New 15s on White '68..Torque Thrust style-Pic

Kind of a fuzzy Wintertime indoor pic, sorry. But you can get the Gist of it :wink:

I got the wheels Here:

And just fitted BFG 225/60R 15s from America’s Tire Locally. Perfect fit. What I hadn’t considered, and really like now, is that the Gray on the wheels is a nice color compliment to all of the gray in the grille and some other accessories, while the matte-to Shiny Aluminum exterior rim portion is good with all of the rocker panel Anodize and the other chrome on the Cats… I really like how it ties all of the colors together with a classic white car.

The Chrome ringed SS wheels are nice, but IMO fit better with Blackie, who now has her shoes back where they belong :wink:

Looks nice. Not too much bling, and not even a trace of donk.

Looks good Brain, keeps those classy lines classy.

Those look great! Now I really want someone to take my stamped steel wheels off my hands.

Haha…I thought I was following you, but had to go to this to be sure :wink:

Big Round butt? Nope…

I thought donk was a poker term?

Check out the April 2012 issue of PHR for the definition of “donk”.

Looks good Brian. Torque Thrust are classic. :thumbup:

Wheels look nice. Not a fan of the BFG el cheapos, but it’s your coin. :buck:

I like it. Not too much. Not too little.

Looks great, Brian. Torque Thrusts and Magnums are my favorite wheels. Loved the bling/donk comment!

I should have known there was an Urban Dictionary. Many things may be clearer to me now.

what would you recommend that has a classic look with raised white letters?

none that I know of, man.
RWL and performance tires really don’t go together in 2012. If you like the way the BFG’s look and you’re not asking your car to do anything more than putt around or do a burnout, they’re probably okay.
If you commute or drive more spirited, better rubber might be in order. YMMV

Muscle cars deserve white lettering on their wheels. It’s kinda like how dogs should have fur, and houses should have windows made of glass. It’s just part of the whole package.

It’s a matter of taste.
Having been born in the 70’s and come up and into cars during the 80’s, rwl tires are a sort of mental bookmark of the days of cd’s hanging from mirrors and trans ams with screaming chickens on the hoods being everywhere (like roaches).
RWL tires make a car, especially a 60’s musclecar, look like it’s stuck in the 80’s with the usual 80’s accoutrements (cheap open element breathers, unbalanced dual exhaust with “turbo” mufflers, air shocks, etc).
Blackwalls and even redlines are period for the 67-73 cats, in my opinion.

Burt Reynolds, mullets, turtleneck and chain, Johnny sweeping the knee, David Lee Roth, feathered hair?

I think it dates the car to the 80’s, when maybe it would be a better period touch to go with a blackwall or redline tire. But, that’s just one man’s opinion. Now you know why.
One of the great things about our hobby is that we can all express ourselves through our cars. Some people liked the 80’s and may find it a cool throwback. More power to 'em.

Andy, you just conveyed what I’ve been trying explain for a LONG time… probably since the 80s.

I was guilty as charged too back then. This is how I rolled from 1982-1990. I had the Cragar SS wheels, BFG RWL tires, air shocks, glasspacks that went “snap crackle & pop”, Lakewood chrome traction bars that were too short, fuzzy dice and a host of other “violations” based on what looks “right” by today’s standards.

And I usually punchline my RWL tire questions comments with: “You’ve already spent HOW MUCH $$$ on those tires, and now you want to give that company free advertising for then next 30-40 thousand miles too??!!??!!”

You’re just too young, Andy… :wink:

There were plenty of muscle cars, tasteful and otherwise, with RWL tires throughout the 70s…especially the old Goodyear and Firestone PolyGlass style.

Everybody that was anybody had ‘em. I agree, though, that the higher-quality and higher Speed Rated tires for the drag Strip and for performance cars today are all black…the RWL is just a styling thing.

BTW, I know a guy that just agonized about selling his high-dollar Car at a big auctio last year after spending a gazillion dollars and several years restoring his Cougar. In the end he just went with BFGs and it didn’t seem to matter for the sale of the car. Nobody even asked him even once why he selected them over Red lines, White Lines, BlackWalls, or otherwise. They just seemed to be a nice “neutral” type that were pretty well accepted :wink:

I’m just sayin’ :beerchug:

I like that look. But I’m stuck in the 80’s.
Your Cat would look good with wagon wheels on it.

Wagon wheels? I bet these would look great on your Cougar, zman.

Wagon wheels? I bet these would look great on your Cougar, zman.

Talk about a throwback! That guy went to a lot of trouble to make his Model A look like a Model T. Do they make RWL tires for Model As?