Louis Vuitton, currently 9 weeks old and 30 oz., born 12/29/2011. A Pomeranian and new brother to Versace who is also a Pom and will shortly turn 3. Louis flew in from WVa. on Saturday afternoon to come live with us (and boy, were his arms tired :rimshot:).
Yep Al, he is a little maniac and I have to watch him and Versace closely, Versace is still getting used to him. No “Cougaring” until my wife gets home unless I have Louie in one arm while I am trying to do whatever. It’s like Father/Motherhood, LOL.
My wife was in the other room when I lost it watching that video. She started performing CPR on me cause she thought I couldn’t get my breath… Now my chest hurts.
Yeah, we lost “Valentino” 9/16/11 suddenly after spending a fortune on slipped patella/torn ACL surgery. He came through the operation fine and two days later I came home and found he had passed. Was a little under 9 years old, we were devastated.
We had to put our black lab to sleep almost two years ago now. I still come home and expect him to come running down the hall to say hello. Miss that dog. Wife doesn’t want another one as she wants to be able to take off on the weekends when ever we want. I do like that fact that walking barefoot outside is not so risky but I sure miss that dog. Congratulations Bob. Will have to watch them nails around that paint job on the Cat though!
Congrats on the new fur children. Dont forget to claim them as dependants on your taxes! I cant wait untill both of mine start pulling their own weight and start working at the Friskies factory.
I am trying to talk mine into starting an ankle biting for hire company or perhaps they could find a promising career in the self-propelled dust mop field…
Bob I missed this thread. I figured you bought another Cougar by the title. Your Pomeranian and 9 1/2 weeks looks almost as big as our Pomeranian. She is 14 years old and 5 1/2 pounds at her check up last month. She’s tiny but full of life. My wife says I spoil her, because I carry her upstairs when we go to bed. It’s funny the way Pandi acts when she see my wife or I go towards the stairs. She will run in circles by our feet and then turn over on her back. How can I not carry her I ask.
Good Luck with your Pom!
No, Louis is only 2 1/4 lbs so far and is tiny, Versace on the other hand is 5 1/2 lbs like your Pandi. These Pom’s love going to bed as much as life itself. Valentino used to watch us intently and would go nuts at the slightest inkling that it was time for bed. They are pack animals to a fault and my wife and I are happy to indulge their pack behaviors, it is so cute and screams togetherness.
Louis favorite pastime seems to be “attacking” Versace, trying to bite his legs, pull his hair or go underneath him. Versace is being very tolerant and seems to understand that Louis is a baby. The whole thing is on the whole a bunch of fun for childless parents such as ourselves.