New owner

Hello everyone

I just picked up a 1968 Cougar last Saturday and really excited about it. Ready to meet everyone and have heard a lot of good things about your forum. Thanks in advance for all the ridiculous question I’m sure I’ll be asking. [album]1560[/album][album]1561[/album]

Looks like a great start. Welcome!

Welcome to the forum! We like questions of all types, so ask away!

Welcome to the Classic Cougar Community. It’s always great to have another new member. Looks like you found a pretty nice Cougar and with the 5 speed it should be a fun ride.

Love the white cars. A five speed with some goodies, nice!!!

Welcome aboard!

Welcome to the CCC! Ask all the ridiculous questions you want! We love giving a ridiculous answer or three! Very pretty car you have there!