Well, it’s been a while since the last episode of WCCC TV. It’s about time we came out with a new one! This one deals with rebuilding the door hinges. The information applies to a wide range of years / vehicles; we used Don’s '69 vert in this case. It’s one of those things that a lot of cars need, but is often overlooked. We approached it from the most awkward way possible - leaving both the door and fender in place, and removing the hinges one at a time to rebuild them. Main reason for doing this is that Don’s car has power windows, and removing the door is a hassle due to the wiring. There are some good tips sprinkled throughout, and a couple chuckle-worthy moments as always
Here’s the direct link to the video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/ky8hWXTGSKw
You can also watch it below, but for some reason it doesn’t let you increase the quality or size here. Those that care about full screen / HD may want to view directly on YouTube.
Question: What does “swedge” even mean? Or is it “swage”? And how many times does Don use it improperly in this video?