Nice looking 72 XR7

Nice looking from the pic’s just the wrong side of the country for me

Looks great.

Interesting that in the background ( in a couple of the images ) and on the other side of the iron gate, is another 1971 - 1973 Cougar ( orange convertible ) - hard to tell exactly which year, as only the back end / side is visible. This green hardtop is also well ‘protected’ behind the iron gate and inside a metal roll-shutter garage !
With the vinyl roof having been replaced, the metal trim ( band across the roof ) hasn’t been properly secured at the ends - probably got slightly distorted upon removal, and now isn’t properly retained ( down ) by the clips. Should be an easy ‘fix’ - it’s a small thing that otherwise detracts from a very nice 2nd gen. Cougar.

Good eyes, the only thing on my checklist of nope is the engine size, ive been looking for a 429. Yea I know big price difference

Pretty decent looking Cat. I was always on a pay no mind with anything after a ‘70 but that may have to change!

Agree that the 1,2,3 cars get no love from me but that’s as nice an example as I’ve ever seen.
Hope the seller does well.