I just finished stripping off about 5 layers of paint and primer off my car to go from this:
By bigredtruck at 2011-10-19
By bigredtruck at 2011-10-19
To this:
By bigredtruck at 2011-11-15
By bigredtruck at 2011-11-15
By bigredtruck at 2011-11-17
I have since put the Mercury Script on the trunk lid, and the Cougar logo on the trunk key door so that back of the car doesn’t look so plain.
Whoever had the car before me would just scuff up the outer most layer and put on another coat of primer and paint every few years it seems.
I got the car down to metal, or the primer coat from the factory using chemical stripper and an orbital sander. Then I put on the current layer of flat black, spray can sandable primer. This isn’t the primer coat for the car to go to paint, this was more of a fact finding mission for me to see what was behind all the paint and surface rust.
I only have rust issues around the rear window, one corner of the rear quarter panel right behind the passenger rear tire, and the lip of the hood behind the trim. I got lucky and bought a really solid, 95% straight car.
I am thinking about paint schemes now. I saw one Cougar a while back done in black with the top white. It looked like an old school cop car, and I liked the look if it.
Has anyone else seen that scheme done with paint, and not a vinyl top?
I know my car had a white vinyl top from the factory, but I just the video from WCCC about changing a roof that rotted out from under a vinyl top, and I don’t want to do that any time soon.