Pertronix Ignitor III

I have used Pertronix Ignitor II pointless distributer systems on lots of cars and never had any problems with them what so ever. I recently bought the new Pertronix Ignitor III to install in my XR7-G. Now that I have the kit in front of me I am having second thoughts and I am wondering if this kit will work on a Cougar with the ignition positive feed wire going through the tach. Not only requires the Ignitor III 12 Volts,(not a big problem) but it also provides multi spark ignition. I have heard that multi spark systems, like MSD, doesn’t work together with the factory tach, so I guess this will be a problem for my Cougar as well?
Has any of you guys tested the Ignitior III on a XR7 with the factory tach and what was the result?

The Pertronix Ignitor III also has a rev limiter adjuster built into it. All of those features convinced me to buy the Pertronix Ignitor II and I’m not sorry I did. It works great!

Yeah I have the II and love it, really didnt need the rev limiter or want to spend a lot, on the odd chance that I didn’t like the II.
I have an extra one in the car just incase however Ive had it for 5 years now and no problems yet.

I have used the MSD6AL box in a number of Cougars, Shelbys and Mustangs with factory tach. Works fine, no issues. MSD sells their tach adapter to make it work. Be sure to use the schematic from MSD for “Current Triggered Tachometer”.