Pictures please...


just wondering if we could have a choice of sorting out pics in the gallery by year. For example, if i wanted to look at the '68 pics.

is there also a way to have the first page in the gallery to show what i haven’t seen yet?

Just ideas. Thanks for all the efforts


Good questions. I will have to defer this to Jay for his consideration. A good gallery is a real asset to a forum, but I don’t really like any of them that I have ever used.

There is no built-in functionality in this gallery to sort by year, so it’s not something we can just enable/disable. We’d have to either find a gallery that offered that functionality (custom fields) or modify this one to allow it. I’ll add it to the wish list.

In the meantime, you can use the Gallery Search function to search by year. It will return all the images for a given year if the user has added the year somewhere in the album name or image description. To make this work well, you’ll have to get everyone to add good descriptions–including the year–for their albums/images, something that they’d also have to do if we had a year field for the gallery.

It should be possible to modify the Recent Images function to show the images that you haven’t seen yet rather than the three most recent images, but I’ll have to think about how that would work. For example, what if you don’t log in for a year and there are 400 images? Would it just show a few of those or page them out a few at a time?