Possible server issues?

We are looking at the problem over the weekend and trying to localize it. If any one that has had problems can give us their IP numerical address, (PM it please!) or send it to me at billb AT classiccougarcomminity DOT com

Bill, I was having the problem but it seems to be working well now. I had the problem at home, at the store, and here at the corporate office this morning. Right at the moment it’s working great.

We have reviewed the error logs and find nothing… Very frustrating. We did have some issues with DOS flood attacks but we have since implemented some server-level fixes to deal with the problem. If you or Leon have any insight, It would be appreciated.

i didn’t have any problem on your site but I had an issue on another US based site. I think one of the ISP gateways was playing up

I have not been able to post anything for several days…let’s see if this one works.

OK good…I’ll try from home tonight!

I haven’t had any problems posting from here in Vancouver Canada…

I spoke to soon. Made the above post then right after wasn’t able to access the site for about 30 minutes but could access the site from my cell…

It looks like the problem is in between our site and at least some of the routes between users and our server. It seems to be working better from the south than the north. We are not finding errors on the server that indicate problems. We are going to continue to try to sort this out to the degree we can do anything about it.

For more troubleshooting, Bill…I can post text on threads, but trying to upload attachments sends me to “IE cannot display the page”, or some such message.

I was booted after I posted. Couldn’t reconnect

didn’t get booted this time

Looks like an ISP has a DNS problem

Not sure if you guys fixed something today, or if whatever was buggy unbugged itself. This morning I was unable to post, but this evening I logged out and logged back in, and now am able to post again.

PS - I missed you guys.

We have had some diagnostic work done and we have possibly found a problem. We have increased the maximum number of connections available as it appears that some browsers were making multiple (over 100 connections) on a per user basis. Let me know if you have any further issues being blocked or knocked off. If possible, please post the time of the event. We have tracking running that is recording lots of metrics to try to isolate just what is happening and when.

Desertdave55, thanks for the great email, very very helpful. Can you send me your IP address? We want to see if we can find you in the logs.

Okay, Dave we think we found the referral server. Stay tuned.

Okay we are making progress. To top things off there was an unrelated DDOS attack that the host stopped at the switch in front of our server rack… had nothing to do with us, but they booted us off our own server. One step forward one step back.

Okay folks lets see what happens now. Desertdave55, we can’t thank you enough!

The entire Cougar Community now breathes a big sigh of relief…We gotta have our CCC!!!

Bill and Jay, I’m overjoyed that my little trace file was able to help you guys fix the issue. Many thanks for your efforts past, present, and future!

Things seem to be working again for me.

Randy Goodling
CCOA #95