Power steering pump question

Hi everyone. I have a 1969 XR-7 convertible. I recently had the PS unit replaced. Later, I replaced the return hose myself because it started leaking. I did not bleed the system.

Now, when I turn hard. Either left or right, I feel it grabs a little.

The mechanic who replaced the ram cylinder and valve assembly says I need a new pump now. Pump seems fine me. Any ideas of what would make the steering shudder when turning hard?

You mentioned not bleeding the system. The way you do that is by turning the wheel all the way to the left and right stops several times with the engine running. Then top off the fluid level. You have probably done this, but worth mentioning in case you still have some air trapped in the system. I just had my pump rebuilt with NOS parts and installed new hoses this year on mine too.

The power steering system is apparently mysterious to mechanics which is a weird thing to me. Classic problems are caused by using improper fluid. More trouble is caused by crappy Chinese made components that have zero quality control. As the car owner you need to make sure the fluid used is what the dipstick calls for and that the parts are capable of the job.

Yup. This is where we link Choco

I’ve rebuilt my pump. control valve and cylinder over the last few years and had no problem. Could you elaborate on what you mean by “it grabs a little”? At the limit in each direction the pump pressure relief valve will lift creating some noise and perhaps a bit of roughness at the wheel as it reaches the end of travel. It will be especially rough and noisy until all the air is purged out.