Power widows for 69 convertible

Is the conversion kit the only thing I need to upgrade the power windows on my convertible, 69

Are you trying to convert from manual to power windows? If so, WCCC has a conversion kit, Item #30460.

It is huge amount of work to make the conversion, best to stay with manual windows…

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Ill second . third & more… Don’t, not worth it!

I installed a set in my '67 XR7 and it was no big deal. Got the kit from Nu Relics.

When I upgraded to 70 windows in my 69 convertible, I removed the power windows and installed manual winders. Only disadvantage of manual winders is that it’s difficult to run larger speakers without the winder hitting the speaker cover. Manual winders work all the time

When the factory assembled a car with the door speakers and manual windows they would install a shorter front window crank that did not hit the speaker grille.

Randy Goodling
CCOA #95

Thanks. Been trying to find a set for ages - without any luck down here