
Guess this is the best place on the site to ask

I am always looking up and comparing details from Mustangs and now more Cougars and I’m having difficulties trying to quickly figure out when particular Cougars were built so I can compare them to the other data. Same month, time period and assembly plants to identify trends, patterns and sub patterns of practices and parts. I have plenty of ways to figure this out for the Mustangs and Shelby’s from collecting info for 40 years but I don’t have that for the Cougar side.

Anyone have a cheat sheet, spread sheet or something I can use to take a specific VIN and figure out what month it was likely completed in?

Thanks for the time and the look

Is the info you seek in the book “Cougar by the numbers”? I don’t have a copy so I can’t say for sure. I am sure someone with a copy can chime in.


The information can be found in the book by Kevin Marti “The Mustang and COUGAR Tagbook (1965-1973 models)” and includes Mustang as well.
1967 is on page 41
1968 on page 50
1969 on page 59
1970 on page 68
1971 on page 73
1972 on page 82
1973 on page 87

Thank you both. Dave happen to have a copy of that one and it will serve the purpose I need - just have to copy the information to one of the spread sheets to make it a little easier to apply

Thanks again to you both

I have a few Cougar door and buck tags. Each ring of door tags is by year and factory. My 1967 door tag ring is full, with overflow. I could work on a sheet 1967-69. There are dates on Dearborn buck tags 1971-73.

Jeff, you could reach out to Phil Parcells. He has the entire data base, he may be able to sort out a VIN range by week 1967-73.

This is what he has done for Mustangs so far.

Great information and much will transfer over to Cougars. Undercarriage details are a difficult thing to document 45 to 50 years after the fact.
Good luck with the project.
For some information on a late build 71 Cougar please see;

This is my project.

I would like to put anything that gets developed up on the main site here if possible…

Thanks Good thing I started collecting allot of the info 40 years ago and talking to the workers over the years.

If you didn’t see my short thread on my 71 build. Didn’t include as many pictures as I have on other projects - just more of the interesting IMHO original details I found during the tear down.

Since door tag dates are possibly off by up to three months at this time I think by month may be the best we can do or early month or late month. Think I can work that out in a spreadsheet using what Kevin provided in the Tag book. If you could, could you compare a few door tag dates to what he wrote.

Wondering if his information (most likely) was pulled from the Ford data base. If that is the basis for the data that may be more accurate than door tag dates

Thanks for the offer

I recall following the 71 CJ build. It is to bad that photo bucket decided to hide all your pictures.