Questions on numbers

I have found this info on my car based on the VIN and codes on the plate on drivers door. Can someone verify the date code and axle code and also the codes on the plate by the radiator?

The plate on the driver’s door reads: 7F93C638626
Below those #s are these: 65B X 6D 13U 32 0 W
7= 1967 F=Dearborn MI 93=XR7 C=289 2V Last Six #s Are Unit Numbers
65B=2 dr hardtop buckets X=(exterior paint) Maroon Metallic 6D=(interior color) Red Vinyl. 13U=Date Code I think this means Jul 13th? 32=District Code Cincinati. Ohio 0=Axle Code I couldn’t find a decoder for this? W=Automatic C-4 Transmission.
There is another plate located on the passenger side up by the radiator grille:
7F93C638626 65B X 243


AC = Air condition
VR PARCH = Vinyl roof, color Parchment (white).
Axle code 0 = 3.00 locking

Axle code =0 means that you have 3.00 to 1 ratio, open differential. This was the standard ratio for cars with air conditioning.

The number 243 on your build tag is the assembly line rotation number. It allowed planners to pre - position needed parts on the line to meet the intended car. Typically the rotation number was also placed in chalk on the front cross member, and on build sheets that accompanied various components.

This is a photo showing the location of the rotation number with the front valance removed. You may be able to see yours looking through the opening below the bumper if it hasn’t been wiped off or painted over.

Sorry I was looking under a 69 Cougar for the axle code.
67 Cougar axle code 0 = 2.79 non locking.

Thanks! Can anyone verify the build date? I need to order some parts and need to know if it is a early build or late build.

On the build date of 13U, that was the SCHEDULED build date for July 13th,1967 which would be a LATE build. A Marti report would tell you the actual build date.

Thanks a bunch! I ordered a Marti report.