We did make a mistake and tried to rectify it with you. We try to be carful, but we are human and we make mistakes. However, the roster in only accusable to members and not looked at often.
I personally feel your post here was unnecessary and libelous. I highly recommend you remove it now.
edit; Cleaned it up a little.
I deleted this twice and warned him. He is now banned here. My apologies to all.
I think every one knows this, but to reiterate, you can not use this site to bash people or settle scores. Take it some where else. I do not put the time and money into this site to see it turned into a giant pissing match. Think of this as my garage and we are all hanging out having a good time. If you chose to piss on one of my guests you can count on being shown the door.
Geoffrey, as Neal mentioned, sometimes oversights and mistakes happen. Like most car clubs Cascade is operated by a group of volunteers, not paid employees that operate a business. Some might be in the enviable possition of being retired, but that doesn’t make us a bunch of old fogies with little understanding of what is going on around us. I have the utmost respect for anyone willing to volunteer for any organization, especially those that will take on a leadership role.
The roster is in the “Members Only” area of our website which requires a member to login with a user name and password to access past editions of the newsletter, roster, financial statements, bylaw documents, etc.
The version of the roster in which you were inadvertantly listed, had only been uploaded a short time before you brought it to our attention. It was rectified very quickly and Heather apologized on behalf of the Board and the club. It wasn’t until you sent some very nasty messages that the Board decided to give you a full refund and cancel your membership in the club. You continued to send nasty and threatening messages, and you had to be blocked on the club Facebook page, as well as on some of the Board members’ personal Facebook pages. We have been nothing but apologetic and tried to work with you in a pleasant and polite manner, only to be verbally abused by you and threatened.
And if you knew Heather you would find that she is one of the nicest people in our hobby and very well liked.
I hope that you are able to move on from this and get back to enjoying your Cougar and the hobby.