Rear rollup window weather stripping

I have the trim that goes on the outside of the rear rollup windows. However there isn’t a weather strip attached. I am having a difficult time finding the weather stripping. Can someone point me in a good direction?

Need to know the year. Most likley West Coast Classic Cougars or John’s Classic Cougars.

Sorry 68. I looked on west coast and found the vertical ones that attach to the window. But can’t find the out side sweep.

Is this what you are looking for. If so you have to baunit by the set.
Hopefully you have a XR7, I did not see one for a standard Cougar.

It is what I am looking for and I have an XR7. My door sweeps are in good shape was hoping for just the back glasses.

Also, does anyone have a real picture of the sweep? If possible attached to the stainless piece detached from the car?

After looking I do have a set for the rear. Looking at $50 plus shipping.

Hey Cougarrand,

Sorry I just saw this post, I ended up finding a drake kit on ebay and ordering it a while back. But thanks for looking.