Ride of the Month

Local Hero put up a very good thread about his car, and I really enjoyed getting a chance to learn “the rest of the story”.


I consider this to be our unofficial but first Ride of the month. This is just a beautiful car.

How about we nominate some other cars that we would like to see featured, do a vote and then a little arm twisting to get the winner to share pictures and the story of the car? I will volunteer to help write it up for those that want a little help.

Maybe I can get Don Rush at WCCC to chip in with a little bonus for the winner. And when I say little, keep in mind that there aren’t a lot of guys on this site so the benefit to him will be pretty small. But it never hurts to ask! Free shipping would be better than a poke in the eye.

We don’t have to limit the nominations to just people on the site right now, but please make sure that the nominees are willing to share about their car. And feel free to nominate your own car. This is all just for fun so it really doesn’t matter.

To kick things off, we will nominate cars until the 25th of the month, then vote from the 25th to the 1st of the following month, and announce the winner. The article will go up just as quickly after wards as possible. Then we start all over again. I will create a new “RIDE OF THE MONTH” section of the website and each car will have it’s own thread.

I have basically pulled all of this out of a Shiner bottle so if any of you have a better idea of how to do this, please share your thoughts.

My first nomination is… Blackie. Brian Aust’s Black on Black GT-E. may be I should mention this to Brian? LOL!

I love that car…maybe even better than Gunner…

Wait…YOU COPYCAT!!! Better make sure you tisn’t steeping on anyones toes mcnetside, Bill!!! LMAO.

(I’ll also throw in an “unofficial-immoderate vote” for The Hero for this month, since, well, Mark has been my sounding board/guiding light/rock of Gibralter since I first came around mcnet and TheCurb…)

GET OUTTA HERE!!! You can’t make me ROTM!! I’ve already had too much attention drawn to me for one week. I can’t take anymore. :mrgreen:

Seriously, I’m flattered. Thank you so much. I’d be honored… especially among peers.

Mark’s ‘Hero’ is the perfect inaugural ROTM!! It is just as stunning in person as in pictures! congrats Mark!

So lets hear some nominations for ROTM?

Though I haven’t “seen” it, MercuryDon’s wellington gt-e car would get my nomination…simply because I love the wellington blue!

I will 2nd or 3rd the Nomination for the Hero.
Not just because its a sweet ride, but because of the shared technical know how that has been Imparted to all that helped get the Hero on the road.
It has been apprecated by myself and others.

I vote for T3’s (mo2872) “Sooner Cat” more appropriately known as “My Allowance” (he’ll tell you the story on that… LOL).

This guy dragged The Heap out of a field and never even heard it run before ripping it apart to the bare shell. He then proceeded to do a ground up resto on it with some updated mods and some small custom touches ALL BY HIMSELF without anyone even around to lend a hand except for the first time the engine was fired. He’s never done a car before and I’ll guesstimate that 75% or more of the skills required to do a car were learned as he went. It is now a running and driving and looks pretty damn good doing it.

I can’t get to his pictures right now but here’s a video:

http://www.classiccougarcommunity.com/i … Itemid=145

Awww, shucks, Mark…:kickrocks:…touched…I’m…I’m…I’m feelin a definite need to say something here…sniff I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! LMAO…

For the record, it’s “Proper” name is “TheHeap”, which I think is/was Marks way of motivating me to get it BEYOND heap status.

Instead of a vote for the favorite, why not just vote for who wil HAVE to post a story and a few pics of his cougar?

This way, no possibility of politics and such, and we get a chance to get all the stories. Hero can get the first ride of the month, cause his write-up is already done (and very well done so too), and the car is absolutely deserving.

T3 is also a fine example. We all have or had a cougar.

In other words, we vote on who HAS to introduce his cougar.


That’s actually a pretty good Ideer, JB…:y:…“good on ya”…as was always said back in the day of peace, love and tranquility…LMAO

I like JB’s idea too. I’m all about the story and the how and why…

Jean, that is a great idea! More is better.

How about this:

We do both. We do a new section called By Popular Demand. Maybe we can nominate, a car and as soon as you get three votes; BOOM you gotta spill it all.

I think the Ride of the Month is sort of an honor, so I’d like to keep that, but I also think that there are a lot of cars that I would like to know about that might get over looked.

How about doing both?

Hooked on Phonix werx fer me!!! Oh…wrong site.

Sounds like a plan, Bill!

Like the plan Bill! Will be posting my nom soon as I get a chance to acquaint myself with more of the cats on here via the gallery…

I am still getting the mechanics set up on the back end of the forum. I should have this up with the poll and so on either this evening or maybe tomorrow.

Jean and Bill this is a great idea! Two thumbs up!!

The new thread is posted, and as it turns out Jean is first up.

OK OK, I’m having JB symptoms right now. In other words, I’m a little confused… :laughing:

I read here that JB is first up. So he’ll be ROTM for November and we’re done nominating for November now? Come November 1, we’ll nominate until 11/25 for DECEMBER?

Please set the record straight.


Here are a few pics of Blackie…As much time as I’ve spent with the car, it amazes me how tricky it has been to get some really good photos, but here goes…Bill, I’m not sure the “format” on how or when you want me to post details of the whens and wheres of the car’s history? Is it OK to just post pics for now? :slight_smile: My first post here, I’m excited! Thanks, Bill, for the nomination and especially for all the work you’ve put in to this Site!

And an action Video…
