Well… a classic cougar site has to have a flasher problem…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06e1GDtJiCM ( did all I could, and did not succeed in imbedding this clip)
My 68 xr7 has a new flasher switch in the column. A new electronic unit in the trunk.
Mr. Vic Yarberry has been ultra patient with me, so far, and is pointing out areas where I might suffer from a bad ground somewhere. Going under the seat to do some more testing will have to remain on the back burner until I can be mobile enough.
I did the tests on some wires as requested, and as per different color wires, and all show enough voltage. The problem is that the current going in the sequencer is on/off, and it seems some ground issue resets the unit as soon as it gets to the center light. As you can see on the clip, everything else works fine. with lights on, and while braking.
any ideas?