Looks like the site is being spam’ed by zuobianyou17. His latest 3 entries don’t make any sense.
Gobbledegook! You just haven’t boiled the correct fungi yet! Try again!
Those posts made perfect sense to me. Should I be worried?
Sorry about that guys… I try to keep the slime off the board, but I also don’t want it to be too painful for new members to sign up. Thanks for the heads up!
Well Al, seeing you’re a NY’er, might have something to do with it!! LOL
Bill, I saw a spammer yesterday and posted on the same thread. Does this phpBB forum have a “report to moderator” button on the post, I didn’t see one.
There should be a little triangle with an exclamation point in it over on the far right side at the top of the post.
Thanks, I’ve been looking for that before as well. I’ll use it next time.
Great Bill, thanks!